I thought I should wait, but then I didn't because I'm panicky like that.
So I called the mw and she said to come on in today, no need to wait.
And she also said it was so odd I called today, because she was just thinking of me this very morning, wondering when she would hear from me again. Very interesting coincidence.
We're hoping third time is a charm.
I'm looking for the initial beta to be very, very low (as it is 11 dpo) and hoping for a nice rise on Friday. That's the benefit of having it drawn today, I can have some idea by Friday other than peeing on sticks.
So cross your fingers for a) decent number and b) no blown vein this time.
{edited to add, decent number would be over 20. The median from betabase.info for 11 dpo is 23. The medium range seems to be 10-55. just for context}
* * * *
I like my midwife. She was terribly amused by how early I came in, but said she didn't mind at all, there was no need to wait.
She didn't blow the vein, but she did give me a bad bruise again. Ouchie.
We agreed we'd draw again on Monday to make sure that there was plenty of time for doubling, since we anticipate a low initial number, and so we don't waste our time if it happened to be a chemical pregnancy, though she said with me having symptoms, she was very optimistic.
fingers are crossed tight. good luck!
Wishing you all the luck and great numbers!
I hope you get great news with the betas! GL!
I hope this weekend goes by very quickly for you!!
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