Saturday, August 22, 2009

20 weeks!

Halfway there (give or take on either side)!


It's hard to believe we've made it this far, and we are doing so well, given all the difficulty we've had to this point.

But all indications are that Chickie is fantastically well and we're pretty happy. I have a noticeable, distinguishable bump now, which is so funny. It's mostly fat, of course, as my uterus is only at my belly button and is covered well, but still, you can tell (if you know me) that I am pregnant. If you didn't know me, and just saw me on the street, you might wonder if I was pregnant. Hee.

We've done a bunch of shopping to take advantage of tax free weekend and purchased far too many clothes. We didn't necessarily try to buy a lot of neutral clothes, but we did try to buy some. I'll take pics of the neutral stuff later. Tip for those trying to shop neutral - check out the boy's side. There are a surprising number of items can go neutral or be worn by a girl, so long as you don't insist girls be in pink or purple. Reds, blues, greens and browns can all go either way, and there are more sleepers and one pieces available in the boy section. The girl sections are pretty much pink, purple, yellow or flowers, so don't waste your time there.

Chickie is moving around right now. I felt silly talking to him/her for awhile, but now that I have a name to call him/her (even though it's still usually stinker, monkey, child, or Chickie, lol) I find myself talking to him/her so much more often and singing to him/her and I think we're going to start reading Winnie the Pooh to the baby soon. It's weird, but it feels really right.

I'm still looking forward - 24 weeks is viability. Of course, it's only a fighting chance to live and we hope to stay pregnant for much longer than that. Nevertheless, we're so much closer, I feel a bit like I can breathe again. It feels crazy to be halfway through this pregnancy already, it's moving so slowly and so quickly at the same time. So much left to do, so little time, and yet . . . twenty more weeks before we hold this baby in our arms. And then how will our lives be?


The Washer said...

Did you stock up on diapers too or are you going with cloth? I will be more than happy to share any diaper deals that I come across if you're interested, as finally, after 4.5 yrs of diaper changing, I'm finished for now!

CottonSocks said...

We're planning to use cloth, but we may have to switch to disposables for daycare, depending on how that shakes out. It's still a wait and see game right now.

mtendere said...

We're expecting a girl and we still shop a lot on the boys side because they put everything neutral there. Why do giraffes have to be for boys unless they're pink?