Saturday, January 16, 2010

Clarity, at last.

Positive. Faint, but clear, on two different brands of tests.

For now, I am 4 weeks pregnant.

What I am telling myself, over and over, is this:

What will be, will be. Whatever is going to happen has already been set in motion, and all we can do is hope and pray and have some faith.

And I hope you don't find it weird when I say that today, I felt Gabe smile at us, and I know he's as happy as we are.


Anonymous said...


mandy said...


Elaine said...

Congratulations, Eas!

Rachel W. said...

Congrats, God Bless, and you'll be in my prayers - I hope and pray this is it for you and that in 9 months we'll be welcoming your baby to the world!

Diana Stone said...

I am so happy for you. I've been following your blog since this past summer. You are an amazing person. Congrats!!

juliane2004 said...

Wow, congratulations :) I am very very happy for you :)

Anonymous said...

I love what you said about Gabe, he is definitely happy and proud. Congrats!

JvW said...

Congratulations. I am wishing you a very H&H 9 months.

Nlvaden said...

Of course he is happy! (So am I!) He will be getting a baby brother or sister to watch over.

Mrs. Jenna said...

EAS! Congrats! I'm so happy for you. :)

Haley said...

Oh my GOD!!! I am soooooo sooo happy for you!! I got tears in my eyes. Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

hooray! now you can be my charting tutor!

bbjoys said...

I have been a follower of your blog for quite some time now. From the bottom of my heart, I am seriously beyond thrilled for you. I will keep you and this little one in my thoughts and wish you the best.

MSC said...

Congratulations!! That is huge news and I am so unbelievably happy for you.

If you're interested, pick up a copy of Still To Be Born--it has some great perspective on trying again, getting pregnant, and looking forward to the future. I think you'd enjoy it and find it helpful.


Tena said...

Aww, congratulations! I bet Gabe is looking forward to having a little brother or sister to watch over. I'm so happy for you!

Dawn~a~Bon said...

Tears in my eyes! Gabriel will be a wonderful angel brother for your little one!

sept said...

congratulations, eas!!! i've been meaning to pop into 1st tri and congratulate you, haven't had a chance... so very very happy for you. stick, baby, STICK!

Leah B said...

I'm so happy for you!