Thursday, October 16, 2008

Letter to Chickadee, 7 weeks.

Darling Chickadee,

Today I am 7 weeks pregnant, which means we're still going strong! Is it wrong if I tell you I was surprised to hit this point? Everything seems to be going terrifically. No spotting, mild cramping, symptoms abounding, including the dreaded morning sickness. Nothing terrible, but look, little one - you and I need to have a little talk about how this whole eating thing works. I don't like nausea, but I like the idea that pregnancy is progressing well, so I can deal with it. But, the thing is, sweetheart, I do not appreciate your sending waves of nausea while I am eating. Yuck! You'll understand when you are older.

Right now, you are about the size of a blueberry, which means you've gotten noticeably bigger. Your house is getting bigger too - supposedly, my uterus is already about twice the size as when we got started on this little adventure. Too bad other things don't work that way - like bank accounts or houses! But jokes aside, little one, some things do work that way in real life, and they are the important things - like love. Love will always grow, so that there is enough. Hope will always grow too, and so will joy spread.

I hope for you that you get to know those things, and I hope also that you experience some of the bitterness and pain of life - not because I want you to suffer or because I want bad things to happen. It's precisely the opposite, my darling. I wish I could protect you forever from all the pain and hurt in the world. But, that is a part of life, and one I would wish you to experience, so you can contrast and appreciate the richness and sweetness that exist everyday around us and know how fully and well you are loved by us, but more than that, by God.

Chickadee, sweet thing, your daddy and I are well and hopeful for you. I feel fear sometimes, not knowing if you are growing well, and I wish I could see you or feel you. But I know everyday that you are in there, and everyday I feel more connected and in love with you. Continue to grow, little one, and know that we love you now and always.

Praying for you and loving you,
Mama and Daddy

PS - We both still feel that you are a girl. Boy, we might get a shock. We're going to be thrilled either way!

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