Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm getting a new tattoo.

Ever since I told DH about feeling so awful that there is no sign left of my Chickadee, nothing to show that s/he ever existed, I've been tossing around the idea of a new tattoo. Something small, but something that will forever be a mark of my baby left on me. A sign that everyone can see that Chickadee existed and was important and was loved.

It feels right. It feels very right. So I'm going to get a tattoo. I'm not totally sure of what or where. I'm thinking a very small baby chick, maybe on my left wrist. I think work will throw a small fit about that, but I really don't care. On my left wrist, few people will see it often. Maybe I will put it somewhere else, I don't know.

But I do know that I will do something, and that makes me feel better.

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