Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Some good news for a change.

One, the bleeding has just about disappeared. After another horrible cramping session yesterday, in which the bleeding slightly increased, and I was pretty afraid that it was a sign of retained tissue, well, things got better. Very little bleeding over night, and as of today - just brown spotting. That is really good news. If nothing else, it means I can have sex with DH soon. And that hasn't happened since September, so I'm really looking forward to it.

Two, I'm getting my own office. Which . . . yay! I knew I was moving out of my cube one way or another. That was decided awhile back. Then, while I was gone (or maybe even sometime this morning), the decision was made to move my two colleagues in together to my boss' office, and so that meant I get my colleague's old office. Honestly, I wonder if it's because they thought I would talk too much with someone else, or if my other colleague was adament enough about keeping a window that she asked for the smaller/shared office to keep it. I don't care. I get a door. That closes. And a new desk. With twice as many drawers. And a credenza with four more drawers. And I get to keep my chair.

I am so very happy about that. I may need a small bookshelf though. And I think I'm also getting a work study table in my office. But since it should only be used a few hours a week, it's no biggie.

As for work, it's been ok. The first thing this morning was a staff meeting. Everyone was there, so I took a moment at my turn to speak to say "Everyone has been asking if I'm ok, and so I thought I'd go ahead and address it here. I am not ok. I am getting there. I think I will be ok again at some point, but for the moment, I'm not. I do appreciate very much everyone's well wishes and sympathy. It has been really kind and helpful. I appreciate everyone picking up the slack for me and giving me the time I needed to deal with everything. Thanks for making it so much easier for me." I cried a little, but that was ok. At least everyone has stopped asking if I'm ok and has given me some space.

Being back has actually helped some, because it's more routine and because people here make me laugh. Laughter is healing and it always helps.